You will be surprised to know that the blue lobster is actually not a lobster. In fact, it was shrimp. Although the lobster and the lobster is very closely related, they are not equal. Therefore, you will not find a blue lobster in a seafood restaurant. Very rare blue lobster. In fact, they are so rare that people choose to keep them in their homes as pets. They especially looked down in New Zealand and Australia. Some are available on the Florida coast as well.
The scientific name is Procambarus alleni creatures. They can grow to eight inches in length. They are called blue lobster because of the color of their skin. The fact that they have two claws Pincher make them look similar to lobster. However, every person who is passionate about keeping an aquarium at home should include lobster or lobster is blue. They will be an amazing sight! The lobster along with clownfish and goldfish, will make your collection complete. Lobster is always going to give an extra advantage in your arsenal, that your friends can not match easily. Learn as much as possible about them from the internet or from books, so you can take proper care to ensure their survival.
They lobsters may not fall under the category of lobster but they were good to eat. They can be fried or baked, either way they taste amazing. But if you've made your mind not to eat them and instead keep them as pets, the first thing you need to do is to buy a large aquarium for your lobster. The aquarium should be large enough to accommodate twenty gallons of water. Create an atmosphere of natural habitat by including gravel, sand, and created an artificial tunnel. This will make the lobsters feel at home. Also adding extra hiding places as far as possible to make the lobster is as comfortable as possible. In addition, add some rocks and plants are always good, because they will provide attractive display for your aquarium.
Water temperature for the blue lobsters should be kept around 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit ideally. You should closely monitor the temperature at all times, and ensure that it does not go across the eighty degree mark at any cost. Anything above eighty can put the lobster under tremendous pressure. It also may be a pain and change the color pale brown. Consider a small vegetable slices, flakes, and algae as food for your lobster. Blue lobster scavengers, then, will eat almost anything you throw water. However, you will do well not to consider the results of your lobster sea, they are rare and need to be preserved.
Lobster will no doubt be a very good collection for your aquarium. It should be kept as pets you to stunning blue hue. However, it would be wise to keep them separate from other fish, because they sometimes become very aggressive, and attacked suddenly.

Most Americans live lobsters are naturally colored olivegreen or mottled dark greenish brown. In rare cases,lobsters come in shades of bright blue, white (albino),yellow, black, and red have been reported from time to time.Perhaps the most unusual color was "half-half"lobster with a line straight down their backs in which bothcolors meet.
The main pigment in lobster shell, astaxanthin, isreally bright red in a free state, but in lobster shellastaxanthin is chemically bound to the protein that changes to thegreenish color. When lobsters are cooked, heat breaksUnder these bonds, so the switch to free astaxanthinfor normal color red.
So how do lobsters turn bright blue?
A genetic defect has been found that causes a blue lobsterto produce an excessive amount of protein. Proteinwrap a small molecule known as the red carotenoidas astaxanthin. Push the two together, forming a bluecomplex known as crustacyanin which often givelobster shell a bright blue color. About one in a millionblue lobster, but when cooked, turns red asother lobsters.
It has been suggested that more than 'one in a million'blue lobster was born, but many do not survive becauseBright blue shell brings too much attentionthemselves, making them a prime target for predators.The scientists also believe that blue lobsters tend to be moreaggressive than their normal counterparts in color. Sincethey do not easily blend in, they have adapted and changed tomore aggressive to protect themselves.
Blue lobster is really another gift from Mother Naturemost people never see. Many professional lobstermen gothrough their entire careers lobstering without arrest oreven seen a blue lobster. Those who are privilegedarrest one, amazed and delighted as it is seen asonce in a lifetime-event and was impressed when theythe experience of seeing a blue lobster is very beautiful tothe first time. Those who are caught are usually not eaten, butnot given to the aquarium and educational institutions andkept on display in the tank for others to admire.

Lobster comes from Australia and they are freshwater invertebrates. Most people call them 'blue lobster' them and 'yabby'
There are many species in the community Crayfish. Strong and beautiful creatures can live up to five years. Lobsters are sought after as aquarium pets due to varieties of fancy and brilliant color.
How do you select healthy crayfish?
You have to avoid shops where they keep all the crayfish in overcrowded tanks with very little water. Lobster is likely to become stressed and eventually die under such conditions. Look for lobsters are alive and full of energy. You must also ensure that they have a complete set of limbs. You can test it by lowering your hands to the back. When a healthy lobster flavor of your hand, their natural reaction is to move back and raise both their pincers in a defensive position. If the crayfish simply lie still and not respond to touch you, you can be sure that it's not healthy.
Clamp they used to catch prey and protect themselves. Sometimes you may notice that some lobsters have a clamp that is smaller than most other lobsters in the tank, or they may have a brace that is not the same size. It can be that the smaller pincer is a new addition that grew while replacing the old.
It is a little tricky to catch crayfish. You have to approach it from behind and held the tip of the carapace with both your thumb and forefinger
Lobsters do not like some fish. They are territorial in nature, and so you should not over-stock your tank. So how big should the tank be? Well, 2ft by 1ft will be large enough to keep the lobsters happy.
Lobster likes hiding space. You can place objects in the tank. Objects such as PVC pipes or rocks will be able to provide them a lot of good hiding places.
For aeration, a bubble filter will be fine. And note that the lobster does not need strong lightning and they do not do well in acidic water.
When it comes to eating, it is the easiest! Lobsters eat anything they can find. It can be dirt, unwanted residual, and feeder fish, sinking pellet or just a few shrimp. Anything, everything goes for these creatures. Lobster hunt at night, so turn off the aquarium light before you feed them.Lobsters tend to grow by getting rid of the old shell. They will push themselves out of the old shell through the space directly behind the carapace which will be split. When they shed their shells, they will be covered only by soft tissue. These soft tissues will harden into a new skin after a few days .. And usually, the crayfish will eat the old skin.

I think that everyone who wants an aquarium in their home should definitely learn all about a blue lobster freshwater aquarium to make them complete. You can get a standard goldfish, or clownfish, but I recommend getting something different. This article will tell you all about this amazing fish (including the secret behind the name) and how you can take care and introduced to a new aquarium home.
Secrets About Blue Freshwater Lobster
So, you see this term and you're wondering what kind of lobster it. Does it taste good? How do I cook it? Well, the secret is this: freshwater lobster blue lobster is actually not at all! This is actually a crustacean called a lobster (or crawfish, in certain parts of the world). Lobster and crayfish are distantly related, but not the same thing - and blue freshwater lobster is definitely not to be found in every Red Lobster or seafood restaurant. So, next time you hear this name, do not think, good steamed lobster tail drenched in butter. Instead, think of a great addition to your aquarium.
Is there a real blue lobster out there? Sure - but very rare, appearing in about 1 of every 30 million lobsters caught. If you get one, you can eat it, but it is rare that many people keep them in captivity to observe them.
Freshwater Lobster Learn About Blue
This creature, as mentioned above, is lobster, and has the scientific name Procambarus alleni. These are crustaceans and running with other names, including the Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster. These creatures can grow to be as long as eight inches, and has a blue shell - hence their name. Like most crayfish, they resemble lobsters in that they have two claws Pincher, along with a hard shell that molted (shed) as the lobster grows. Some can be found off the coast of Florida; others can be found off the coast of Australia and New Zealand. About Blue Lobster Freshwater: Caring for Your Pet
If you decide to get a blue crayfish for your home, you will need to first buy an aquarium big enough for your pet. You must buy at least a 20 gallon aquarium so that the lobster you have plenty of room to swim. You then have to row this aquarium with a substrate, such as sand or fine gravel. Simply put there so that you can burrow lobster. Also put plants and rocks in your aquarium to add color and decoration, as well as additional hiding places for your aquarium.
The water in your tank for your fish should be stored at temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Note that temperatures above 80 degrees should be avoided if possible. Excessive temperatures can stress your lobster - so that in it change the sickly brown color. For food, using algae, flakes, pellets that sink to the bottom, or even a small cut up pieces of vegetables. They are scavengers and will eat just about anything you put down there, as long as it is eaten.
About Blue Lobster Freshwater: Conclusion
This beautiful lobster is a great addition to any aquarium. Just be sure not to involve them with fish, they are aggressive and will attack anything. But they are great pets to watch, especially for bright blue skin. Although you can eat lobster, I would not recommend eating this one. It is good to keep in aquarium and admire the beautiful hue to blue

I think that everyone who wants an aquarium in their home should definitely learn all about a blue lobster freshwater aquarium to make them complete. You can get a standard goldfish, or clownfish, but I recommend getting something different. This article will tell you all about this amazing fish (including the secret behind the name) and how you can take care and introduced to a new aquarium home.
Secrets About Blue Freshwater Lobster
So, you see this term and you're wondering what kind of lobster it. Does it taste good? How do I cook it? Well, the secret is this: freshwater lobster blue lobster is actually not at all! This is actually a crustacean called a lobster (or crawfish, in certain parts of the world). Lobster and crayfish are distantly related, but not the same thing - and blue freshwater lobster is definitely not to be found in every Red Lobster or seafood restaurant. So, next time you hear this name, do not think, good steamed lobster tail drenched in butter. Instead, think of a great addition to your aquarium.
Is there a real blue lobster out there? Sure - but very rare, appearing in about 1 of every 30 million lobsters caught. If you get one, you can eat it, but it's very rare that many people keep them in captivity to observe them.
Freshwater Lobster Learn About Blue
This creature, as mentioned above, is lobster, and has the scientific name Procambarus alleni. These are crustaceans and running with other names, including the Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster. These creatures can grow to be as long as eight inches, and has a blue shell - hence their name. Like many lobsters, they resemble lobsters in that they have two claws Pincher, along with a hard shell that molted (shed) as the lobster grows. Some can be found off the coast of Florida; others can be found off the coast of Australia and New Zealand.
About Blue Lobster Freshwater: Caring for Your Pet
If you decide to get a blue crayfish for your home, you will need to first buy an aquarium big enough for your pet. You must buy at least a 20 gallon aquarium so that the lobster you have plenty of room to swim. You then have to row this aquarium with a substrate, such as sand or fine gravel. Simply put there so that you can burrow lobster. Also put plants and rocks in your aquarium to add color and decoration, as well as additional hiding places for your aquarium.
The water in your tank for your fish should be stored at temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Note that temperatures above 80 degrees should be avoided if possible. Excessive temperatures can stress your lobster - so that in it change the sickly brown color. For food, using algae, flakes, pellets that sink to the bottom, or even a small cut up pieces of vegetables. They are scavengers and will eat just about anything you put down there, as long as it is eaten.
About Blue Lobster Freshwater: Conclusion
This beautiful lobster is a great addition to any aquarium. Just be sure not to involve them with fish, they are aggressive and will attack anything. But they are great pets to watch, especially for bright blue skin. Although you can eat lobster, I would not recommend eating this one. It is good to keep in aquarium and admire the beautiful hue to blue.

Drainage water can stimulate the occurrence of exfoliation as part of the growth process. But that does not mean every murky water, you should be draining. Depletion should take into consideration the condition of the lobster. Eg for sires that incubating the water should not have to be drained. This can make it stressful. As a result the number of eggs dropped dramatically.
As for lobster category of plants, dewatering can be done 2 weeks. This is the benchmark for those who breed in the aquarium. In order fries do not go with it, when you do penyiponan, should be added screening tool.
Unlike when the fry were raised dikolam. Depletion done once a month. I did the depletion of the way "back wash" the system to adopt a koi pond. That way, the puppies go with a small possibility. Cleaning filter media performed once a week.
In addition to drainage, high water need attention. The water level greatly affect the success of the fry alive. "At a minimum water depth of about 20cm," said Mr. Asan. understand nsinar fry still sensitive to the sun.

Broodstock determine
While Mr. Asan, JL.Dokter mansyur friend in Medan, has other tricks in order to increase the number of tillers. According to the man leading exporter of freshwater crayfish, the first thing that must be considered is the quality of broodstock. The size of the parent at least 4 inches (10cm). The greater the broodstock, fry obtained will more and more. "I even have a sire size 6 inches (15cm)," said Mr. Asan familiar greeting.
He said if you use 4-inch starter eggs produced around 200 birds. Breeders can produce a 5-6 inch tail 400-650. Of course it depends on the number of chicks the way you treat the burayak. Lack of proper care, the number of fry could drop drastically.
In order to fry abundance, Mr. Asante use the aquarium measuring 100cm x 50cm x 50cm as a pairing. The composition of broodstock it back to 5 males 3 females. "Other people generally 5 females with three males," said Mr. Asan.
By the way like that every week there must be a spawning broodstock. Having seen da a hatch, the mother will be included in an insulated tank. The size is 25cm x 25cm x 30cm.
When all the eggs have hatched, sire mating is returned to the aquarium. Meanwhile, fry the fiber is inserted into the tub. Can also use other containers, such as pond or aquarium. "The important thing for 200 tail fry require about 1 m2 area of the place," said Mr. Asan. The area where it is important to avoid cannibalism.
Fibers to hide
For the hiding place of fries, Mr. Asan selecting fibers. "By using the fibers, 95% of chicks survive," he said. Previous stem soaked first for 3 weeks, to "clean" dirt.
According to Mr. Asante, kerapat loster fibers make the child a change of skin (molting) unapproachable other puppies. While the use of the pipe may still be entered puppies that are not molting. As a result of cannibalism is still possible.
When the fry size 1-2 inches, the amount should be reduced by 50%. This step is to prevent inter-chicks eat each other, because the more "limited" area as the growth of the fry. The number was reduced by 50% if the lobster grows again into 4 inches. Hopefully inspire.

Breeding freshwater crayfish expect the number of fry can be maximized. One of them by providing hiding places fries
For Mr. Saragih in 2004 was the beginning of raising freshwater crayfish (LAT). At that time, every aquarium measuring 100cm x 50cm x 50cm filled by 5 females and 3 males. Such tricks unfortunately only produced 100 puppies tails. In fact, according to theory, should be able to reach about 2,000 head chicks. It could be due to cannibalism among the saplings.
Then, he switched to using swimming as a medium breed. Outdoor measuring 200cm x 200cm x 80cm filled with 5 females and 3 males. Success rate for puppies that live higher than the livestock in the aquarium, but inefficient in terms of land area.
Plus hiding space
Still not satisfied, in early 2006, Mr. Saragih tried to move the broodstock females are "holding" the eggs into the aquarium. As the attached eggs, she put plastic gutter pipe diameter of about 2cm. Six pieces of pipe are stacked, three pipe below and three above the pipe. The stack pipe will then be spot hidden fry are hatched. Potogan long pipe body adapted to fry. To fry aged 1-2 months, Mr. Saragih install pipe along the base boundary is used as a 5cm piece of glass.
As for the circulation of water, Mr Saragih relying closed suction pump with a filter of fine wire. "So that was siphoned lobster puppy," said Mr. Saragih. It turned out that way, the success rate of children up to 90%. Of the 500 chicks produced, 450 tail can live up to sell.
For the menu, Mr Saragih feed a piece of worm 3 times a day, to fry up to size 2 inches. "Worms is indispensable in its infancy," said Mr. Saragih. If it was bigger, he added menu pellets.