Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

How to breed freshwater crayfish

Broodstock determine
While Mr. Asan, JL.Dokter mansyur friend in Medan, has other tricks in order to increase the number of tillers. According to the man leading exporter of freshwater crayfish, the first thing that must be considered is the quality of broodstock. The size of the parent at least 4 inches (10cm). The greater the broodstock, fry obtained will more and more. "I even have a sire size 6 inches (15cm)," said Mr. Asan familiar greeting.
He said if you use 4-inch starter eggs produced around 200 birds. Breeders can produce a 5-6 inch tail 400-650. Of course it depends on the number of chicks the way you treat the burayak. Lack of proper care, the number of fry could drop drastically.
In order to fry abundance, Mr. Asante use the aquarium measuring 100cm x 50cm x 50cm as a pairing. The composition of broodstock it back to 5 males 3 females. "Other people generally 5 females with three males," said Mr. Asan.
By the way like that every week there must be a spawning broodstock. Having seen da a hatch, the mother will be included in an insulated tank. The size is 25cm x 25cm x 30cm.
When all the eggs have hatched, sire mating is returned to the aquarium. Meanwhile, fry the fiber is inserted into the tub. Can also use other containers, such as pond or aquarium. "The important thing for 200 tail fry require about 1 m2 area of ​​the place," said Mr. Asan. The area where it is important to avoid cannibalism. 

  Fibers to hide
For the hiding place of fries, Mr. Asan selecting fibers. "By using the fibers, 95% of chicks survive," he said. Previous stem soaked first for 3 weeks, to "clean" dirt.
       According to Mr. Asante, kerapat loster fibers make the child a change of skin (molting) unapproachable other puppies. While the use of the pipe may still be entered puppies that are not molting. As a result of cannibalism is still possible.
When the fry size 1-2 inches, the amount should be reduced by 50%. This step is to prevent inter-chicks eat each other, because the more "limited" area as the growth of the fry. The number was reduced by 50% if the lobster grows again into 4 inches. Hopefully inspire.

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